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Bangkok The Gateway to Far East

Bangkok The Gateway to Far East
Bangkok, the capital of Thailand has always been rated at the top of the priority list of every tourist. If someone loves to know about the far eastern culture and its hidden beauty then Bangkok is the best place to begin the journey. Being a big cosmopolitan city you will get the glimpse of all the neighbouring cultures here and this gateway of Far East offers travellers all the excitements which they are looking for.
Bangkok is famous for various reasons, its massive and indiscipline traffic, the sky train, the splendid shopping malls, the surroundings, the atmosphere, the temples and of course the never ending bridges forced many airlines from the entire world to operate cheap flights to Bangkok. The city is a major hub for travellers not only because of the diversified attractions it has got for the tourists but also because of its location. The reason is every prominent Far Eastern city is easily accessible from here.
Suvarnabhumi Bangkok
Bangkok The Gateway to Far East
International Airport is one of the most crowded airports of the region. Apart from lots of chartered, direct and cheap flights to Bangkok, this airport serves as transit for many connecting flights as well. The city has a reputation of shopping paradise and besides that places like Dream world, Floating market, River Kwai, plenty of malls in which different activities are on throughout the year can alone provide sufficient reasons to the travellers to have a long stop at Bangkok.
Further this city is used as a base to reach nearby beach cities of Pataya and Phuket. Pataya is just few hours' drive from Bangkok, while for Phuket which is no doubt the most beautiful vacation paradise on this planet; you need to catch a direct flight from Bangkok. Many airlines are operating at Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai and Hua Hin routes and due to the heavy passenger's load and also to capitalize the opportunity, they offer many attractive packages of cheap flights Bangkok Phuket and to some other
Bangkok The Gateway to Far East
famous and neighbouring cities like Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul, Hong Kong and etc.
If the people from West especially from England are getting cheap flights to Bangkok, they must grab the chance as they will love to be here. The Thai people and their attitude towards expatriates, the local weather and an event like Christmas in Bangkok will enable them to cheer and cheer a lot.
In addition the availability of English food and drinks with full variety helps them in not remembering their country of origin. Bangkok never sleeps and the night life of Bangkok is as alluring as it is anywhere else in the world. All these features makes this city a must place to visit.